Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Torn City

I was browsing the web the other day when I found this cool site. Torn City

This is an online game but it's tex base. Its kind of cool. It's just like any other RPG but only text.

Check it out and tell me what do you think about it.

Cand3la's Forums

Wow, I just finish creating my forum page after a ugly crash of my server.

I am please of the results so far. I was so upset because I lost the back up of my previous forum so I have to start fom scratch. Bummer.

Oh well, I like how it is turning out so far.

The addy is

If anyone wants to register, please let me know so I can give you the appropriate permissions.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Cand3la Banner

Cand3la Banner
Originally uploaded by cand3la.
I found a couple of my old photos hidden away on my network drive.

If you click on my Flickr Photo links below, you'll find them.

It's like finding hidden trasure. I even found my old website among the dust and moth.

Man, Am I really a digital rat pack? Some times I feel that way because of the kind of stuff I find hidden away on my hardrives.

I am the only one that thisngs like this happen to?

Candela The Cowboy

Candela The Cowboy
Originally uploaded by cand3la.
Did you know that once I was a cowboy?

I typically go thru my music phases. Eight years ago I got really deep into country music.

I listen to a lot of country music. I had the hat, boots and clother to match. I don't regret it.

I still love country music, is just that it was one of my phases.

My current phase is Merengue Music.

Latin Flavor...

Cand3la Invitation to his Wine

Cand3la Invitation to his Wine
Originally uploaded by cand3la.
I really love wine. My favorite wines are Italian wines. I can not get enought of Pinot Grigio wine.
I love the Bella Sera label. I don't claim to be an expect on wines, I am just a simple man who enjoys the flavor.

Wow, I have hightlights on that picture!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Cand3lasville in your Flavor?

Check it out!

I just added links to Cand3lasville in different languages.

I'm sorry If you do not see yours.


Sunday, March 13, 2005

Can we be happy?...

Are you happy with the life you are living?

Shouldn’t we all be happy?

Have you taken a good look at how things are going for you at the current moment?

Shouldn’t we have the right to choose what makes us happy in live?

I think a person has a right to make changes in order to bring happiness in their lives.

So why is it that this task is so difficult for some of us?

I don’t claim to have the answers to these questions. I just think that if we are aware of the questions then we might work towards getting the answers.

How can you provide an answer if you do not know the question?

If we take a deep look into our inner self then maybe, just maybe we will have an idea of what makes us unhappy. To be able to find our happy trigger.

Is it possible to be happier by helping other to be happy?

I think so.

I have found myself many times smiling after:

A stranger has been smiling at me for some time.
Or after someone holds the door for me.

It seems as if this is a contagious thing!

So, why couldn’t we just smile a little more in order to make more people smile?

I hope that since it is a contagious thing then maybe just maybe we can get enough people to smile. Hold doors. And eventually the world could be a happier place.

Don’t you agree?

Next time see are out in public, Smile.

Who knows?

You might make someone’s day!