Monday, August 29, 2005

Why do you have to be Rude?

Isn’t psychologically conceivable that if someone is nice to you then you have a desire to be nice to them?

Why are some people the opposite?

It just gets on my last nerve that someone could be so mean to you after you were nice to them of did them a favor.

Is it possible that these people have the right to bitch after seen your reaction to this behavior?

All of the sudden you no longer are the nice person but the bad one, only because you have the courage to defend yourself.

Do we have the right to defend ourselves?

I will no longer put up with these rude people. I take a stand and tell then that I will continue to be the nicest person that I can be to as many people as I can unless they are rude to me.

I am a strong believer that a smile and/or a good deed is contagious and I will continue to do such things in hopes that many people will learn from this.

But I will no longer put up with rudeness and I will defend myself.

News from Cand3lasville

I'm sorry that I have not posted as frequently as I have in the past. I am in between my new motorcycle and my movie. Which I have to say it will be out soon.

I know the trailer said September 1st, 2005 but it might be a little later than that date. We are filming the final scenes. The cool thing is that we are filming and editing at almost the same time so it would not take long. I personally can not wait for the movie to be out. It is looking good on the cutting room so far. Without spoiling the movie too much I will say is that it will be like watching an old Chinese movie with the sound just a little skew from the mouth movements. It will also have a little anime-feel to it, so if you are an anime fan like me then you would like this film.

I am also reading the old book "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy" and re-reading "Field Guide to the Apocalypse" which I have to say, have me hook. I don't know how many people can do this but I find it very strange that I am able to read multiple books. Also, if I happen to like a particular book or series of book then I would read them multiple times. I hope this doesn't makes me weird.

Oh well, I'm really enjoying these books so far. I think my next books will be the new Harry Potter book and Prey.

Well, this is my report from Cand3lasville and I’ll try to keep you posted sooner.

As soon as I finish my movie, I will be posting more frequent.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I Need You!

Dedicated to Tara Owen.

ara, as you wake in the morning and open your beautiful eyes, the heavens that look at you can not help but smile. It smiles with such a beautiful sunset upon you that the birds feel its joy and start their serenade.

The sun can not wait to caress your delicate face. To give you the warmth that only the joy from a lover can bring you.

As you stand up from bed, the bed sheets caress your entire body but do not want to let go. They hold-on to what ever part of your body that can hold-on to, as long and as hard as they can. This tends to explain why it is so hard for you to get up from bed.

You body is so intoxicatingly addictive that the water in the shower is expecting your presence so it too can have its share of your essence. It yearns to run thru your skin, from head to toe.

As you get out for the day, the wind touches your head as it runs thru your beautiful long hair. And it carries your aroma thru the wind so the whole creation can bare witness of your beautify.

And at the end of the day, when you laid down to sleep, the stars of the night shine on your face. So even at night when most things are dark, you face will be illuminated for the world to see.

So as you can see, I am not one to be blame if all I want to do is be with you, because if the big creation itself with all it possesses simply can not live without your presence, as strong as it is. I am but a spec in this galactic scenario; and in comparison with creation,

I am just a simple man!

ou’re Lover

Thursday, August 18, 2005

4r3 y0u 4 C0mput3r 933k?

H4v3 y0u 3v3r h34r 4ny0n3 t4lk1n9 4b0ut c0mput3rs s0 c0nc3ntr4t3d th4t y0u c0uld s33 th3y l0v3 th3 subj3ct?

1f th1s h4pp3ns t0 y0u 0ft3n th3n y0u m19ht b3 4 c0mput3r 933k. D0n't 93t m3 wr0n9! th3r3 1s n0th1n9 b4d 4b0ut b33n 4 c0mput3r 933k.

Just th1nk 4b0ut 4ll th3 c0mput3rs 1n th3 w0rld r19ht n0w 4n th3n 1m491n3 n0t b33n 4bl3 t0 und3rst4nd 1t. 1n sh0rt, 1f th1s h4pp3ns t0 y0u 0ft3n, c0ns1d3r y0ur s3lf lucky b3c4us3 y0u 4r3 0n3 0f th0s3 f3w...

C0mput3r 933ks!

Having Fun!

Man! I have been having so much fun I forgot about this blog. I just bought a brand new 2005 Kawasaki Ninja and I am all over the streets.