I love this time a year when everyone is just a little nicer. What is it about this time a year that causes this effect on everything? I know that this does not apply to everyone. There will always be a runt on the bunch, but in general this is my normal perception on this season. Could it be that it's because is a little cooler in temperature? Research has proven that the hotter the temperature, the more aggravated people get, and just a little hornier I might add.
I had my very first encounter with this when the last hurricane past thru here. We lost electricity and because of this there was no air conditioning. Man, talk about been irate. Thanks God that the electricity got fix when it did because one more day and we would have killed each other. Due to this I feel that the temperature in the season has something to do with everyone's mood.
For the big majority of people is the meaning of the holidays. Even though they could really get frustrated at times, for these people it all pays up at the end. These people really enjoy the festivity that this celebration brings. Could it be the contemplating of faces upon receiving a gift? Could it be the happiness of a child when they open their present?
Why can people learn from this? Happiness is a very infectious thing.
Some people feel that they can get anything they want just because they demand it. Can they understand that been nice could get you farther? I could be that it was not your fault and you feel really angry at the other person. But just remember that rage is also contagious and where would you end up if the other person and you are mad at each other? Let me tell you: Nowhere!
I have practice this sometimes when I am mad at someone and it is amazing the results that I got. For starters the fight last a lot less. You end up understanding each other. Remember what I always say: “emotions are rational thinking worse enemy.” When you are mad, sad, in love, happy, or any other emotion, your thinking abilities decreases and you could make an irrational decision.
I have ask some store employees from the near by mall and one told me that in one occasion it was the customers fault. Normally that store would send this particular customer packing but just because they were nice the store did what it could for this person. This customer got his item replace for a new one just because they were nice to the employee. Can you see what can get you just been nice?
I believe that the reason why most of us are just a little nicer on the holidays is because it is contagious. It only takes one smile to a stranger to get one back. Don’t believe me? Try!
An in all of this escalation of happiness, everyone gets infected with and eventually we have a happy season.
In conclusion if we want to make this a better world to live in, open doors, smile, be polite, laugh, give without receiving, be happy and over all have love in your heart.
Seasons Greetings!