Thursday, September 09, 2004

Topic change for my Blog? Maybe.

I can not believe that it has been so long that I have not written on this blog pages. I apologize to my faithful readers that my brain had absolutely no activity in this lapse of time.

Nah, don't you all worry. I was not in a coma or anything like that. I think that my lifestyle has actually done this. Three jobs and a house full of kids and when I sit down to write then we get two hurricanes. Yes, two not one. And possibly one more (Ivan).

I will like to take this opportunity to say a very special good bye to Charley and Frances. So long and never comeback!

And to Ivan, Don't you dare even come close. Keep away!

Now that I got that out of the way, let me tell you about my writing intention for this Blog. My intention in writing my blog was to express my bottle-up feeling in a written form. Just like a therapeutic journal. I have since then re-thought and now I wish to stray just a little the intention to write in this Blog. Now I wish to express my deepest feelings in a general form.

What do you mean? You ask.

Well, what I mean is to express all my opinions, as far fetch as they might be, in a written form. You will find some of the most controversial subjects explicated in my particular point of view. Views like sex, violence, ethics and more. All of these described and explained as they exist inside my head. Hold on because it's not a pretty site inside here.

If you like, add your commends as to which topics you will like me to discuss next.


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