Friday, September 30, 2005

U.S. millionaire prepares for blastoff

U.S millionaire scientist Gregory Olsen, the world's third space tourist, bid farewell to his family Friday during final preparations for his flight to the international space station with a Russian-American crew. Now if only I had that kind of money. Well, hopefully we will have more and more people traveling to space to help lower the ticket price.

I can dream can I?

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Blu-ray backers rebuff MS, Intel moves

Blu-ray backers Dell and HP have come to the defence of Sony's high-definition optical disc system following Microsoft's and Intel's decision to back the rival HD DVD format...

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Michael Dell: PC gaming not ready to throw in towel

Chairman of Dell sees console gamers as potential cross-overs for his XPS systems. I guess Dell is planning to cross over to the Game Console market.


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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

My Podcast Ideas...

I am experimenting with podcasts and currently thinking about creatig a podcast for this site.
Please email me and tell me your thoughts.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Stuff On My Cat .com

Oh no, they've killed kenny!

And cloned him as a cat!

I came across this site and could not stop peeing my pants.

Check it out.