Wednesday, February 22, 2006

PC Magazine: Will Apple Adopt Windows?

Column from PC Magazine: Will Apple Adopt Windows?

Is this true?

I did not believe it until I read this article. Now I have questions...

Mr. Dvorak took some heat for this article.

All I have to say is...

I told you so.............

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Talk about goowy!
This is a cool play where you can place all of your oline experience together.

WOW, It really looks nice.

Check it out...

You can play games, get your email, manage your RSSs, among other things...

Monday, February 13, 2006

Blurb Home

Have you ever wanted to print a book?
Go to the Blurb Home and find out.

Nice gloosy books...

Thursday, February 09, 2006

zero34104 game place

The Co-Host of my Podcast Zero34104 has created a new blog.
zero34104 game place

Check it out...

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

libsyn // podcasting made easy

Have you hear of libsyn?

This is a company for Podcast hosting that makes it easy for podcasters to host their shows. Starting with unlimited bandwidth (WOW) to low monthly prices.

Finally a company that makes you feel good and not scare about your bandwidth consumption...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

30 Boxes | it's your life

Have you seen 30 Boxes?

This is a cool website where you can keep you calendar of activities online for you or to share with friends or/and family.

You can finally organize and event between your friends and family in online cooperation.


Friday, February 03, 2006

Are you a Video Game Hater???

I strongly believe that everyone has the potential to love video games.

I believe that people's personality hold the clue that will help you find the video game for that particular person. Not everyone loves all types of games. It's just like how some people prefer a particular color and this same color is hated by other people.

I have done a test with my dad who was a video game hater. When it comes to personality, your Dad could be the best person for it. The reason for this is because you already know him. After carefully analyzing his personality, I try to apply it to video games and I came to the conclusion in recommending these games:

1 Civilization (Any of the series)
2 Pirates
3 Guild wars

If you have play these games you could easily see, psychologically, how this games are similar.

I bought this games for my dad and now I have my mom complaining about how much time my dad is sitting in front of a computer.

I did the same test with my wife and now I can not get her off Centipede.

can you see where I'm coming from???

Try it with an open mind and encourage the person to have an open mind.If this tip doesn't work for you and you keep trying different games, you will eventually find a game you like.

So yes I don't believe that there is video game haters out there, they have just not been expose to a game they like. You would find people that have try one video game and hate it, and they take an opinion base on that one game they hate in saying that they hate video games.

Does this makes any sense to you?....

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Policing the Internet | IT Business Edge

With David Smith, COO for Burstek [], which develops and deploys employee Internet management (EIM) tools.

This article gives you a view into the business of policing the internet at the work place.

From what I can see, we will be seen a lot of this company in the future...

read more | digg story